Drink Responsibly
We firmly believe in raising awareness about responsible drinking. As a brewing company, we know a lot about making the best beers. But we also know that the perfect experience is not only about brewing the best beers, but also about how you enjoy them. That's why we put in just as much effort into teaching people the right way to enjoy our beers.

Your limit is your alcohol "safe zone". The limit varies for each person; it depends on your alcohol tolerance levels, body weight, and whether you have preexisting health conditions. It is important to know when you have had enough. Drinking beyond your limit can quickly turn a great moment into a regrettable experience.

The amount of alcohol you consume and how fast you drink will influence how it affects you. Whenever you are in doubt, slow your intake or stop drinking altogether and wait until you're sure that you are in control and able to make good decisions.

Binge drinking is consuming a large amount of alcohol over a short period of time, resulting in serious inebriation. Heavy drinking can be detrimental to your health and cause a variety of physical and cognitive problems such as liver disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia, sleep disorders, and depression. It also increases your risk of becoming a victim of an injury, violence, or sexual assault. It is never a good decision to binge drink and as a responsible person, you should avoid it.

Intoxication greatly impairs your judgment and makes you slower to react to changes around you. Don't engage in anything risky, where your decisions can be vital for your safety and the safety of those around you.

Studies show that even a small amount of alcohol will adversely affect your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. Your reaction time and capacity for making quick decisions will be severely hampered. By drinking and driving, you are very likely to be involved in an accident – not only hurting yourself but also potentially harming others.

Either for personal, religious, cultural, or other reasons many people choose not to drink. A decision to not drink should always be respected. Avoid or limit drinking when you are ill or if you are in a bad mood or situation where drinking doesn't feel right. Do not drink if you're underage or under the legal age limit. Underage consumption may be damaging to a person's physical and mental development. Alcohol affects a person's ability to conceive children. Drinking during pregnancy can adversely affect the fetus. There is no agreed safe limit for drinking during pregnancy. Drinking when you are breastfeeding can adversely affect your infant.

Avoid drinking on an empty stomach. Eat something before you start drinking to slow down alcohol absorption. It’s also a good idea to snack between drinks to give you an energy boost to enjoy yourself.

Drink plenty of water in between drinks. It will help you pace yourself by slowing down your drinking rate.